2012-07-10 FCDCC Meeting Notes
We met in our new meeting room at Ridgeview Classical School
Ridgeview Classical School on the southeast corner of Lemay and Stuart (1800 S. Lemay) Enter through the east side of the building.
We had several visitors at the meeting tonight, Walt, Mike, Marty, Marlene, Lee and Helen, please welcome them to our club.
Please pay your dues for 2012 to Rich Ernst if you haven't already paid. You can find him at most meetings. Annual dues are $25/member with $15 for each additional spouse and $10 for each additional child under 18.
Check out what the SIGs (Special Interest Groups), they have been holding lots of meetings and going on lots of outings. Participating in a SIG is an excellent way to develop your skills.
Continue sending photograph submittals for the meetings to KenEis@comcast.net.
The "Night Time Photography" workshop on 6/16 at the Library went well.
We will be electing officers at the August meeting.
We have changed the August outing from the Bohemian Nights to the Larimer County Fair. The Bohemians are doing things differently this year and have decided that they didn't need our help. Harry Strharsky is organizing the Larimer County Fair outing. He has divided up the Fair into several shifts and is looking to fill all the shifts so we cover the entire Fair. If you are interested and haven't already signed up please contact Harry at Harry_Strharsky@msn.com.
The July outing will be Saturday July 21 to Rocky Mountain National Park to shoot pictures of little flowers (macro). Meet at 8am in the southwest corner of the Front Range Community College parking lot. Some members are going early 3:30am to shoot the sunrise. If you are interested in joining them contact Andrew (andrew.stiff@gmail.com).
The topic for the August meeting will be macro photography.
This month's coffee outing will be July 25 at 9am at the Dazbog on Cherry St.
This month's evening outing will be July 12 at 7pm in Old Town Square to photograph the Jazz musicians of Bohemian Thursday Nights.
The alternate photo topic for August is GREEN.
The Wildlife SIG will meet July 15 at noon to photograph hummingbirds up Poudre Canyon.
The Architecture SIG will meet July 12 at 8am to photograph the Museum of Discovery, Cherry St. and College.
Many thanks to Ken Eis for his presentation on "Really Close Stuff" (macro photography).
Email mike, info@fcdcc.com, when you find mistakes, missing information or if you have suggestions for the website and I will try to address the issue.