2011-12-13 FCDCC Meeting Notes
We will be meeting in a new room next month!!!!!
Ridgeview Classical School on the southeast corner of Lemay and Stuart (1800 S. Lemay)
They have graciously offered use of their facilities in exchange for a few pictures. The school has a couple concerts or plays each month and they may want some pictures. We will find out more details later. Enter through the southwest corner of the building.
We still have FCDCC business cards (FREE) and 1 FCDCC cap (not FREE) available.
We have added a SMF forum to our website. This can be a valuable and powerful tool. Let's start using the forum so we can decide if we want to use it more instead of the static website pages (like this one). Tell Mike or Rich if you have any problems. We need to know if it is working for our members and if there is something we can fix to make it work better.
Rich will purchase and install a new photo gallery for the club. He has found a gallery that looks very good, but we won't know until we start using it. We need a gallery on our website and this one just might work. We will send out an email when we want you to start using the new gallery.
The December outing will be Saturday 12/17 to photograph "Night Lights in Denver". Meet at 3pm at the northeast corner of the Harmony Transport Center to carpool to Denver. Wear warm clothes and bring a tripod. Goals: photograph sunset on Denver skyline from behind Denver Museum of Nature & Science; then head into downtown to photograph holiday lights (Denver City & County Building, Clock Tower, Larimer Square, 16th Street Mall, Union Station, etc.); if time allows photograph Denver skyline from Diamond Hill; other destinations as determined by outing participants
The December Coffee Outing will be Wednesday 12/21 at 9:00am at the Full Throttle Coffeehouse 3761 S. Mason.
The January outing will be to Bosque del Apache 1/20-1/23. The birds are arriving. Make your motel reservations now before they fill up.
The Wildlife SIG (Dawn) has arranged for Andy Long to speak at the January FCDCC meeting.
HPI photo shoot update:
12/20 assemble picture frame packages at Bob Babbs' house.
12/22 present the pictures to the HPI families.
The Cache la Poudre and the Big Thompson are frozen over now and make nice ice pictures.
Thanks to Tony for his presentation on "Time and Exposure". Tony also showed us his interval timer that cost $19, that he uses to create time lapse movies.