Infrared Photography SIG

Leader: Walt Lyons (with lots of help from Judy Cannon)
When: Every other month, 4th Thursday, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Who: Anyone….IR camera not required
We will explore photography in the wavelengths invisible to the human eye: the infrared (and maybe even some ultraviolet).
- basics of the electromagnetic spectrum
- camera lenses and filters
- camera modifications and full spectrum conversations
- vendors and learning resources
- post processing
- tips and techniques
- creative ideas
- sharing results
Next meeting is Thursday February 23, 2023, 7:00pm - 8:00pm ONLINE USING ZOOM
Infrared SIG meeting notes
Infrared SIG members
Walter Lyons (contact me if you would lilke to join us) |
Judy Cannon |