Video/GoPro Photography SIG
Leader: Judy Cannon (co leaders would be welcomed)
When: Every other month on 4th Tuesdays, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Who: Anyone interested.
What topics:
1. Explore tips and techniques for taking video with DSLR camera, Go Pro camera, mobile devices. I shoot Nikon, have a Samsung Galaxy S8 cell phone and Go Pro Hero 7 camera so am most familiar with those devices for shooting video. If others want to share what they know about other devices that could also be included.
2. We can also explore time lapse photography and time lapse movies which are features available on some newer cameras.
3. We can discuss accessories like tripod heads, lights, audio recorders, etc. that are useful for video.
4. Storage and transferring of videos can be explored. I can share my workflow but would also be interested in what others do.
5. There are numerous programs and apps available for editing videos on computers and mobile devices. I use a Mac Book Pro and iPad Pro so would be focusing on those devices. I am learning iMovie and Final Cut Pro so can share what I know about those programs.
6. Audio is such an important part of video we would spend much time on that aspect including how to edit audio, add music, used separately recorder for higher quality audio, voice over, etc. I use a Handy Recorder H4n recorder so will be exploring how to use that device in more detail.
7. I have access to tutorials, so may use some of those related to video photography with the group. Kelby One is another resource we can use.
What equipment:
1. Participants would need recording device, e.g. cell phone, camera, iPad, etc., and a device for processing videos, e.g. laptop computer or iPad
2. It’s fun to share what accessories we use to enhance our video shooting experience.
Disclaimer: I am learning this stuff as well, so won’t necessarily have all the answers. It would be helpful to have others in the group who would be willing to share their knowledge as well.
VideoSIG meeting notes
Video SIG members
Judy Cannon (contact me if you would like to join us) |
Mike Barry |
Gary Jens |
Walter Lyons |
Paul Marcoux |
Kevin McCaghren |
Judy Myers |
Guy Turenne |
Dawn Wilson |