February 2015
Club Meeting
When: February 10, 2015 @6:30pm
Topic: Landscape Photography by David Clack
Notes: Notes from the meeting
Where: Ridgeview Classical School, 1800 S. Lemay (near Stuart)
Club Outing
Macro photography at Bath Nursery
When: 2/14/2015 @9am
Where: 2000 East Prospect Road, Fort Collins, CO 80525
More info TBD
Coffee Meeting
When: Thursday 2/19 @9am
Where: Fort Collins Coffee House at 3761 S. Mason, Fort Collins
SIG Meetings/Outings
Architecture SIG - TBD
Landscape SIG - TBD
Macro SIG - 2/20 Denver Botanic Gardens, meet at Harmony Xfer Station at 8am
Photography 101 SIG - TBD
Portrait SIG - 2/1 1pm-5pm, Meet at Mike's house, theme is victorian, steam punk or beauty
Sports & Events SIG - TBD
Video SIG -
Wildlife SIG - TBD

Bear Cub by Dawn Wilson
Challenge topic
Great Western Sugar Company Effluent Bridge
Where: Cache la Poudre River, near Poudre Trail, south side of the river mid-way between Lemay Avenue and Timberline Road.
More info
Photographic events
2/6 - First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
2/9 - Dave Black will speak about painting with light at LPS
2/11 - Center for Fine Art Photography contest entry deadline is today
2/14 @9am: FCDCC club outing to Bath Nursery for macro photography in their greenhouse
2/21 - Dawn is planning a trip to Farmington Bay to photograph eagles
2/21 @6-9pm: The Ridgeview Classical School Father/Daughter Dance