Fort Collins Digital Camera Club
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April 2025

Please see the Club Information page for general information
regarding meetings, outings, and slideshows.

Synthetic Photography SIG Meeting

When: Tuesday 4/1/2025 at 6:00pm
Topic: "Wall Worthy Art" by All
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact Mike Barry for more info and invitation to join us

Club Meeting

When: Tuesday 4/8/2025 at 6:00pm
Topic: "Travel Photography Your Story of Place" by Jeff Curto
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact for more info and invitation to join us
Meeting Slides - Member Slideshow Submissions

Coffee Meeting

When: Tuesday 4/15/2025 @9:00am
Topic: "General Photography Discussion" by All
Where: Panera Bread Co in Front Range Village
Contact for more info
There is no need for an invitation, just join us at Panera Bread Co

Fine Art Photography SIG Meeting

When: Tuesday 4/15/2025 at 6:00pm
Topic: "Wall Worthy Fine Art" by Fine Art Photography SIG
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact Mike Barry for more info and invitation to join us

Photo 101 Meeting

When: Wednesday 4/16/2025 at 6:30pm
Topic: We cover many subjects from exposure to post-processing. Currently covering 2024-25 changes to Lightroom Classic focusing on masking techniques, generative remove and other topics as they come up.
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact George Theordore for more info and invitation to join us

Video SIG Meeting

When: Tuesday 4/22/2025 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Topic: Attendees may share videos they have created. We will also discuss various topics about making and processing videos depending on interest from members.
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact Judy Cannon for more info and invitation to join us (or text 970-217-8610)

Challenge Topics

Email your challenge topic images to Jim Limburg for the January meeting slideshow
1."Spring Flowers"
2. Best Image Taken/Processed Since the Last Meeting

Interesting Links Found by our Members

Contributed by [CONTRIBUTOR]

Photographic Events

Wicked West Comic Expo
When: Saturday 4/12 - Sunday 4/13
Where: The Ranch (Larimer County Events Complex)
This is a great opportunity to photograph cosplay (people wearing superhero and other costumes) and to meet local artists and vendors.

Horsetooth Half Marathon
When: Sunday 4/13 @ 8am
Where: Fort Collins and Bellvue

FoCoMX (Fort Collins Music Experiment - music festival)
When: Friday 4/18 - Saturday 4/19
Where: Downtown Fort Collins (multiple venues)

Lyrid meteor shower
When: Monday 4/21 @8:36pm - Tuesday 4/22 @1:27pm (peak period)
Where: High in the eastern sky near Vega
Note that the first link says that the Lyrids have a very sharp peak and might only be visible for a few hours in the above time window.