Fort Collins Digital Camera Club
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March 2025

Please see the Club Information page for general information
regarding meetings, outings, and slideshows.

Synthetic Photography SIG Meeting

When: Tuesday 3/4/2025 at 6:00pm
Topic: "Car Caricatures" by All
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact Mike Barry for more info and invitation to join us

Macro SIG Photoshoot

When: Saturday 3/8/2025 at 9:00am
Where: Colorado State Univesity, M. R. Smith Natural Resources Building, Rooms 345 and 301. This document contains a map that is a close up of the area around the Smith Natural Resources Building.
Parking: Please park in lot 350 or on Amy Van Dyken Way, see map. On weekends parking is free and time restrictions are not applicable.
Details: There will be flowers and other objects to photograph along with backdrops of various colors. In room 301 there will be fluorescence mineral specimens to photograph. Attendees, please bring items that are appropriate for macro photography. This will help make this photoshoot more interesting. Thank you!

Club Meeting

When: Tuesday 3/11/2025 at 6:00pm
Topic: "Night Sky/Milky Way" by Royce Bair
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact for more info and invitation to join us
Meeting Slides - Screenshots from presentation - Member Slideshow Submissions

Fine Art Photography SIG Meeting

When: Tuesday 3/18/2025 at 6:00pm
Topic: "Chiaroscuro Images" by Fine Art Photography SIG
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact Mike Barry for more info and invitation to join us

Photo 101 Meeting

When: Wednesday 3/19/2025 at 6:30pm
Topic: We cover many subjects from exposure to post-processing. Currently covering 2024-25 changes to Lightroom Classic focusing on masking techniques, generative remove and other topics as they come up.
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact George Theordore for more info and invitation to join us

Coffee Meeting

When: Thursday 3/20/2025 @9:00am
Topic: "General Photography Discussion" by All
Where: Panera Bread Co in Front Range Village
Contact for more info
There is no need for an invitation, just join us at Panera Bread Co

Outing to Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

When: Friday 3/21/2025 @9:00am
Focus of interest: Wildlife
Where: Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge
Contact Albert Wang for more info
Please RSVP to Albert Wang ( if you intend to join the outing, either by carpool or if you plan to go yourself. In the event of highly inclement weather, the outing will be cancelled and I would like to be able to contact everyone if this occurs. (Long term forecast is predicting decent weather for Friday.)
For carpooling, meet at the Harmony Transfer Center near the back (north) side of the parking lot. We will leave HTC at 8:30 AM. It should take about an hour to drive there so we would expect to be at the visitor center around 9:30 AM.
First stop is at the visitor center to see if we can get information on what wildlife is present, and if people are interested, to look around for a short time or to see if there is interest in walking any short trails. We will drive the main loop road into the fenced-off area. The road is several miles long and one-way. The main subject of interest here is the bison herd (disclaimer: there is NO GUARANTEE we will see them). If we are lucky, we might see newborn bison calves — we will ask at the visitor center whether calving has started. I did see adult bison calves during a trip in late April 2023. Note that within the fenced-off area, we cannot get out of our vehicles, so all photos within that area will have to be taken from within vehicles. There is also other wildlife present at the refuge — I have several species of birds as well as groundhogs in photos from that time, although some were taken from trails outside the fenced-off area.
The last official Wildlife SIG outing to this location was in April 21, 2018 (a month later in the year) and was led by Guy Turenne. This is what he wrote at the time for that outing, which gives some good information on equipment and possible distances. Note that based on this quote, we might be slightly too early to see calves.
"There are generally a range of wildlife subjects; but, at this time of the year there should be young of the year Bison calves less than a month old. As to gear; the Bison can literally be from the other side of the road to a half mile away. So while a long lens in the 400mm to 600mm range allows for more versatility, shorter lenses in the 200mm to 300mm range can also work.”
I expect we would be done by sometime between 12 noon and 1 PM. If anyone knows a place in that area (Commerce City) or a place on the way back, we can stop for lunch.
- Albert

Video SIG Meeting

When: Tuesday 3/25/2025 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Topic: Attendees may share videos they have created. We will also discuss various topics about making and processing videos depending on interest from members.
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Contact Judy Cannon for more info and invitation to join us (or text 970-217-8610)

Challenge Topics

Email your challenge topic images to Jim Limburg for the January meeting slideshow
1."Food – Live or Cooked (moving or still life) "
2. Best Image Taken/Processed Since the Last Meeting

Interesting Links Found by our Members

A dramatic total lunar eclipse is coming. You don't want to miss it.
A total lunar eclipse will occur on the night of March 13 through the early morning of March 14. Totality in Fort Collins would be on March 14 from 12:26 AM to 1:31 AM
Contributed by Joan Sayre

Photographic Events

Month of Photography Denver
When: March 1-31, 2025
Where: Various locations in Colorado

Frozen Dead Guys Days
When: Saturday 3/15 and Sunday 3/16
Where: Estes Parks

Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade
When: Saturday 3/15
Where: Lower Downtown Denver

Sharin’ O’ the Green 5k
When: Saturday 3/15
Where: Downtown Fort Collins

Photoshop Creativity Virtual Summit 2025
When: Sunday 3/23 - Wednesday 3/26
Where: Online
Lots of good Photoshop training for FREE, but you have to register for the free pass

International 5k Color Run
When: Saturday 3/29 @10am -12pm
Where: Laurel Hall, Colorado State University
This run is partially organized by CSU’s Indian Students Association to coincide with the Hindu celebration of Holi. The text and photos suggest that color (like the throwing of colored powder) may be part of this event.