September 2016
Club Meeting
When: September 13, 2016 @6:30pm
Topic: Photographing burrowing owls by Rob Palmer
Where: Coloradoan Newspaper Offices, Community Room 1300 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins
Club Outing
Sun 9/18 Elk Rut in Rocky Mountain National Park
Coffee Meeting
9/22 Fort Collins Coffee House, 3761 Mason St.
SIG Meetings/Outings
Portrait SIG - 9/4 1pm-5pm
Wildlife SIG - 9/18 RMNP - Elk Rut - The Sept. Wildlife SIG outing will be going up to Rocky Mtn. N. P. for the Elk Rut which has already started. The date will be Sunday Sept. 18. For those interested in carpooling, we will meet at: 6:00 a.m. at the SW end of the Front Range C. C. parking lot. Typically, this is long lens shooting. The Elk can also be quite close and I have needed to use used my 24-105mm lens because they were close. Because of the carpooling, please let me know if you will be attending so we do not leave anyone behind.
Experimental SIG - 9/26 @9am and 10/1 @1pm, cinemagraphs

Foothills by Bob Barley
Challenge topic
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Tour de Fat
Pedal the Plains
Fortoberfest Sat 9/17, 11am-10pm in Old Town Fort Collins