August 2017
Club Meeting
When: August 8, 2017 @6:30pm
Topic: Wildlife Photography by Dawn Wilson
Meeting Notes
Where: Coloradoan Newspaper Offices, Community Room 1300 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins
Club Outing
Sat 8/12 Wildlife on Mt Evans, Club outing to Mt Evans to photograph mountain goats, bighorn sheep, pika, marmots... Meet at the Harmony Transfer station (North side of Harmony, just west of I25). We will be leaving at 5am.
Coffee Meeting
Wed 8/23 @9am - Dazbog on Cherry
SIG Meetings/Outings
Drone SIG Meeting - Announcing the Kick Off meeting for the Drone SIG of the FCDCC! If you are interested in learning about the exciting challenges of photographing using a drone, please join us for our first Drone SIG meeting. We will work together to define our purpose and establish some goals for our group. At this first meeting, we will review the collection of drone related resources that we have been gathering, plan future meetings, and there will be flight demonstrations in Steve's backyard! You do not need to have a drone or even be in the market for purchasing a drone to join this SIG. If you are curious about maximizing this new POV for photography, please join us! Wednesday, August 16, 2017 6:30 PM Steve Eis' home at 3853 Fletcher St. Loveland CO.
No need to RSVP, but if you are coming, we would appreciate a heads up.
Questions or concerns?
Reach out to either Steve at or Stephanie at
Experimental SIG Meeting - Shoot shadow pictures at Bob Gobielle's studio Wed 8/23 @9am and Sat 8/26 @1pm
Landscape SIG Outing - TBD
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - 8/18 @9am to 11am, Mount Dunraven conference room at the Loveland Public Library, 300 Adams Ave. in Loveland
Photoshop SIG Meeting - TBD
Portrait SIG Meeting - 8/6 @1pm-5pm - Beauty and Cosplay themes
Wildlife SIG Outing - 8/19 - Riverbend Ponds Open Space - Butterflies, Dragonflies

Fortress by Ken Reek
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the August meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topic
Festivals - take pictures of local festivals and email them to Walt for the September slideshow
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Tuesdays @11:30am - Noontime Notes at the Oak St. Plaza
Wednesdays @6:30pm - CSU Lagoon Series live music at the CSU Lagoon
Thursdays @7:00pm - live music in Old Town Square
Larimer County Fair 8/5-6
New West Fest 8/11-13
Rocky Mountain Metro Airshow
Tour de Fat 9/2 @10am
Fort Collins Comic Con
Perseid Meteor Shower peaks 8/12 @1pm