January 2017
Club Meeting
When: January 10, 2017 @6:30pm
Topic: TBD - Portraits by Sarah
Meeting Notes
Where: Coloradoan Newspaper Offices, Community Room 1300 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins
Club Outing
Jan 6-9 - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico
The Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge outing is scheduled for 6,7,8 January 2017. Please join us (a combined Loveland Photo Society and Fort Collins Digital Camera Club outing). Look at the following web site for details www.fws.gov/refuge/Bosque_del_Apache Jackie and I will be staying at the Best Western in Socorro, NM. This is about a 20 minute drive to the Refuge. We will meet 30 minutes before sunrise at the first pond before the entrance (more details to follow) the morning of January 7th. This is an opportunity to shoot sand hill cranes and snow geese in the thousands. We will be able to set up prior to dawn within a few hundred feet so super long lenses are not required. Pack warm cloths. If you are interested contact Ken Eis directly. His email is keneis@comcast.net His cell phone is 970 305 2038. Other local points of interest are:
1. The large baseline array- a very cool radio telescope system featured in the movie Contact
2. Ruins at Quarai Mission
3. Abo-Salinas Ruins
4. San Lorenzo Canyon
5. The Box Recreation Area 6. Trinity Site (First nuclear bomb detination)
Alternate Club Outing
Sat Jan 14 @7:45am - Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, CO
Adult admission is $11 - Senior admission is $9
Let's meet at the Harmony Transportation Center at 7:45am on Saturday 1/14 to carpool.
We will leave at 8am, and the trip should take about 1 hour.
The Butterfly Pavilion opens at 9am.
Address: 6252 W. 104th Avenue in Westminster, CO 80020
The pavilion will be hot and humid, and if your camera is cold it will quickly fog up and you will have to wait 30minutes to an hour before you can start taking pictures. Try to keep your camera warm to prevent the condensation. Some people have had luck putting their camera in a plastic bag, then removing it after the camera and bag warms up to prevent the condensation. You might have better luck in you put a couple hand warmers in the plastic bag to keep it warm.
*** Tripods are not allowed, but monopods and flash are OK ***
Macro lenses or telephoto lenses with extension tubes are recommended.
Plan on going out to lunch near the Butterfly Pavilion after the outing.
Coffee Meeting
Tue 1/24 @9am - Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Experimental SIG Meeting - TBD
Landscape SIG Outing - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - TBD
Photoshop SIG Meeting - Jan 17 @6:30pm at Ken Eis' house
The topic will be masks. I will go over normal masking, why do it, and maybe a little luminance masking. I will be reviewing masks for those not clear about their purpose but that will only take 10-20 minutes. The rest of the meeting will be to work on items of interest. So bring your laptops and an image you want to work on. This will be our first hands on session using what we have learned about selections, layers, and masking. You can send me a photo to work on if you would like. Sort of a fixit session. - Ken
Portrait SIG Meeting - Jan 1 @1pm-5pm
Theme: model's choice
Wildlife SIG Outing - TBD
Loons by Ken Reek
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the January meeting slideshow.
January Challenge Topic
Holiday Lights
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
National Western Stock Show
Bird Day at Bath Garden Center