July 2017
Club Meeting
When: July 11, 2017 @5:30pm to 8:30pm
Topic: Club Picnic
Where: City Park Shelter #7, Fort Collins
Just a reminder that next Tuesday, July 11, 2017, our normal meeting will not be held. Instead, we are having our annual picnic. This year the picnic will be at Fort Collins City Park Shelter #7 which is essentially across the street from the Swimming Pool. The Club will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, buns and drinks. This is a pot-luck, so please bring a side dish, snacks, dessert/etc. If you need something special to drink besides pop/soda, please bring that also. Alcohol is NOT allowed. Picnic starts at 5:30 p.m., but if you want to come early and help set up/cook, etc. please feel free. Remember my cooking talents are on par with my photographic talents, so take that into mind! There are horseshoe courts if you want to bring those heavy U shaped thingies! Hope to see you all there, or there's gonna be lots of food for my freezer. If you want or need more info, contact me at bobbabbs@aol.com
Your humble president, Bob Babbs

Club members at July picnic. Picture taken by Stephanie from her drone.
Club Outing
Sat 7/29 - Dragonboat Festival at Sloan's Lake
Meet at 7:45AM at the Harmony Transportation Center to carpool to Mile High Stadium in Denver. Parking is about $5/car and the shuttle bus to Sloan's Lake is free.
Coffee Meeting
Tue 7/25 @9am - Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Experimental SIG Meeting - TBD
Landscape SIG Outing - TBD
Macro SIG Outing - Sat 7/22 @7am-10am, CSU Trial Gardens on College
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - 7/15 @9am to 11am, Mount Dunraven conference room at the Loveland Public Library, 300 Adams Ave. in Loveland
Photoshop SIG Meeting - TBD
Portrait SIG Meeting - TBD
Wildlife SIG Outing - 7/8 - Mt. Evans - Mountain Goats and Bighorn Sheep

Rock wall by Ken Reek
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the July meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topic
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Music in Old Town Square
Music in Oak Street Plaza
Music at CSU Lagoon
4th of July in City Park, music and fireworks
Dragon Boat Festival
Cruisin Car Show
Cheyenne Frontier Days