September 2017
Club Meeting
When: September 12, 2017 @6:30pm
Topic: "Africa's Endangered" by Gary Thornton
Meeting Notes
Where: Coloradoan Newspaper Offices, Community Room 1300 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins
Club Outing
9/29 - 10/2 - Fall Colors in SW Colorado (overnight) - details TBD - Please contact Bob Babbs at if you are interested and are willing to help organize this outing.
Coffee Meeting
Thu 9/21 @9am - Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Experimental SIG Meeting - TBD
Landscape SIG Outing - TBD
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - 9/16 @9am to 11am, Mount Dunraven conference room at the Loveland Public Library, 300 Adams Ave. in Loveland
Photoshop SIG Meeting - TBD
Portrait SIG Meeting - Sun 9/3 1pm-5pm - Sexy at Mike's studio
Wildlife SIG Outing - Sat 9/23 @6am - The September Wildlife SIG outing will be to Waterton Canyon on Saturday, Sept 23. to photograph the Bighorn Sheep there. We will be meeting for car pooling at the usual location, the Harmony Rd. transportation Center parking lot at the north east corner, at 6:00 that Saturday Morning. For people who have never been there, Waterton Canyon is south of Denver, near Chatfield Reservoir/State Park. It is roughly an hour and a half drive. There is a 6 mile long dirt/gravel maintenance road beside the South Platte River up the Canyon to the Strontia Dam. The road is open to the public for foot and bicycle use. The Bighorns there are very used to people, frequently allowing people to get within 10' or so. I generally bring both a telephoto and wide angle lens. While the Bighorns can be anywhere in the Canyon. I have most often found them along the road; about one mile in from the parking lot, at the Caretaker Residence about 3 miles from the parking lot and around the Caretaker/ maintenance equipment location near the dam 6 miles up the Canyon. They also frequent other areas and can also be seen higher up the Canyon walls. So comfortable walking shoes and water are a necessity. As usual, so as to not leave anyone at the parking area, please let me know if you are planning on participating in this outing.

Tree Geese Sculpture by Cecil Hellyer
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the September meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topic
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Elk Rut
Tour de Fat - Sat 9/2 in Old Town Fort Collins
Loveland Octoberfest - Fri/Sat 9/15-16
- Sat 9/16 11am-10pm in Old Town Fort Collins
Fall color
Doggie Olympics
- Sun 9/24 9am-1pm - Pavilion #7 in City Park
Lighting/Portrait Class by Tom Bol -
Sat 9/23 @9am at JAX
Tour de Corgi Sat 9/30 @10am at Civic Center Park