August 2018
Club Meeting
When: August 14, 2018 @6:30pm
Topic: Photojournalism: Digital Images and Videos by Professor Pete Seel and working photojournalist
Meeting Notes and Notes from the President
Where: Aztlan Center, 112 E Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Room Eagle 1)
Club Outing
Sat 8/11/2017 - Astro Photography in RMNP (new moon)
Alternate Club Outing
Coffee Meeting
Wed 8/22 @9am-11am, Dazbog on Cherry
SIG Meetings/Outings
Experimental SIG Meeting - TBD
Landscape SIG Outing - TBD
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - TBD
Portrait SIG Meeting - Aug 5 @1pm-5pm, theme: Fantasy and Beauty
Wildlife SIG Outing - Thu Aug 23 @5:15am
The August Wildlife SIG outing will be to Brainard Lake to hopefully photograph Moose. There are several large Bulls that come down to the lake pretty much every morning to feed on the willows and sometimes the submerged vegetation in the lake. This area draws a lot of visitors (especially on weekends) and there is limited parking where the Moose typically show up. So, this will be a weekday outing. My experience has been that the Moose come down out of the surrounding forest shortly after sunrise and return to the forest a couple hours later. As for lenses, the Moose can be anywhere from a few feet away (literally) to 100 yds.+ so I have a couple of lenses with me. It is roughly a 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hour drive to Brainard Lake. For carpooling, meet at the north east corner of the Harmony Rd. Transportation Ctr at 5:15 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 23. There is an entrance fee for the Brainard Lake area which is covered by the federal senior or all agency passes. As always, please let me know if you will be attending so no one gets left behind. - Guy

Glacial Moraine in Iceland by Walt Lyons
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the August meeting slideshow.
August Challenge Topic
We have two challenge topics for august, "World Travel" and "Balance".
Please email your challenge topic images to Walt Lyons who will include them in the August meeting slideshow.
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Tuesdays @11:30am - Noontime Notes at the Oak St. Plaza
Wednesdays @6:30pm - CSU Lagoon Series live music at the CSU Lagoon
Thursdays @7:00pm - live music in Old Town Square
Larimer County Fair 8/4-7
New West Fest 8/10-12
Rocky Mountain Metro Airshow
Tour de Fat 9/1 @10am
Fort Collins Comic Con
Perseid Meteor Shower peaks 8/12 @1pm