September 2018
Club Meeting
When: September 11, 2018 @6:30pm
Topic: Photographic Art by Rich Ernst and Blurb Online Printing by Walt Lyons
Meeting Notes and Notes from the President
Where: Aztlan Center, 112 E Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Room Eagle 1)
Club Outing
Thu 9/13/2018 and Sat 9/15/2018 - Fall Color at CSU Mountain Campus
Late notice for two opportunities to go as a group to photograph the fall colors in the Pingree Park Valley: Thursday, September 13th and Saturday, September 15th. The trips have been moved from the 4th Saturday in September to this week in hopes of catching the aspens at the height of their color.
I understand from talking to the personnel at the CSU Mountain Campus that the aspens on the east side of the valley near Denny’s Point, Twin Lakes, and the trail to Stormy Peaks are past their peak. However, there are still opportunities to photograph golden aspens on the west side of the valley and on the trail to Cirque Meadows.
Bring the camera and lenses that you think you will need. Carry water! Please pack your own snacks and lunch as we plan to base this trip out of the Tom Bennett Campground, approximately ¼ mile before the gate into the CSU Mountain Campus. Bring sun protection and a rain coat. Please be advised that it can be dangerous to hike in Levi’s; if your jeans get wet in a rainstorm, they can cause hypothermia. Choose fast-drying hiking pants instead.
For carpooling, we will meet at the NW corner of the King Soopers parking lot on north College Avenue at 6 AM each morning. The drive up the Poudre Canyon and County Road 63E takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes (sometimes a little longer depending on the road).
If you would like to sign up, please contact Deborah Cowan at and indicate which day you would like to go.
Alternate Club Outing
Fri 9/7/2018 @7:30pm-9:30pm - Larimer County night sky event at Red Mountain. The event is free but registration is required.
Coffee Meeting
Thu 9/20 @9am-11am, Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Just an update on some events for September concerning the Sports/Event SIG (do like the fact that events are also included, though will keep primarily to sports): Motocross: Did speak with the folks at Rocky Mountain Motocross Association, there is no issue shooting from the spectator area. There are a few events left in the year, this Sunday 9/9 in Milliken is the next date. The course will be open starting at 8a and continuing throughout the day until 6p., cost of the event is $12 (cost is same for all events during the year). To shoot ON the course is the purview of the course owners (at Milliken that is Anton and Julie Leahy). I will probably go in the morning and shoot for a while and see if I can run down the Leahys to possibly shoot on the course — suspect that without rider sponsorship or signing a bunch of liability forms, probably unlikely, but never hurts to ask, otherwise shoot from the side (also safer) Next Motocross event of interest is the State Championships (final event), to be held in Dacono - that is 10/21. All information concerning Rocky Mountain Motocross events, course locations, dates, etc. are on their website: Also coming up Sunday, 9/9, is a women’s soccer game at CSU starting at noon. I have not heard back from the email sent to CSU media (didn’t have high hopes), so will go over to McGraw and ask around. Basically, without credentials (meaning media) major college sports are difficult to shoot (men’s football, basketball, and in FC women’s volleyball). There is other action to shoot though on campus. I go to the website and check the schedules - there a 5 men’s sports, but 9 women’s sports teams; so shooting the women’s sports have more chance at events. Again, shooting from the spectator area no one seems to mind and the women’s sports are usually less well attended (except volleyball). There is a “composite calendar” on the website which lists all sports schedules for the month in one convenient place. If in the past if you have had any hookups with HS, league or other organizations please let me know; otherwise will check into. Races / Runs: These are no problem to shoot as held on public streets and roads, and are plentiful throughout the year. Did shoot some Peach Festival and Fortitude 10K during the last month. Green Events hosts a number of races throughout the year, I shoot a lot of those as a “volunteer”, meaning I turn in about 100-150 photos which get posted on their facebook page. Their next event is the Fall Equinox (which is run along the Poudre and one of their larger events), on Sunday, 9/16. Because this course will be restricted if anyone is interested to shoot I can hook them up with Meagan (she is Green Events primary shooter / graphic artist). I will be out of town that weekend, but as a volunteer you get posted along the course or at start/finish and shoot away. Other: Also have a contact for Roller Derby. Although the girls lost the rink south of town to skate at, they will skate a few matches this fall in town. Will keep you posted with dates, but believe to be in October. And speaking of October, plenty of costumed events to shoot!
A number of good bands coming to Fort Collins in the next few weeks as well; specifically at Hodi’s, Washington’s and Avo’s. I have photographed at those (and probably all) venues in Fort Collins and never had an issue as just a walk-in concert go-er (Washington’s has security for everyone). If anyone is interested in band/concert photography they could contact me as well at:
Experimental SIG Meeting - TBD
Landscape SIG Outing - TBD
Mobile SIG - Tue 9/25 @6:30pm-8:00pm at Judy's house (8325 Turman Court, Fort Collins)
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - TBD
Portrait SIG Meeting - September shoot cancelled, see you in October!
Wildlife SIG Outing - Sat 9/22 - Bighorns in Waterton Canyon
As I announced at the FCDCC meeting this week, the September Wildlife SIG outing will be Saturday, Sept 22, to Waterton Canyon to photograph Bighorns. Waterton Canyon is a bit south of Denver and not quite a 1.5 hour drive from Fort Collins. Waterton Canyon is about 6 miles from the parking area to Strontia Dam. The Bighorns can be seen pretty much anywhere in the Canyon; though in my experience I see them most frequently in three locations. The first spot is roughly one mile from the parking area. The second about another mile further up the canyon. Lastly, at the very top of the canyon near Strontia Dam. Access is on the dam maintenance road which is roughly 6 miles in length with an elevation gain of about 400' so it is an easy walk. It is also a very nice bicycle ride - I frequently take my mountain bike in order to go up and down the canyon a couple times during a visit. As for lenses; the bighorns are frequently quite close - as close as a few feet. Other times they can be much further. I generally bring a wide zoom and a telephoto. For carpooling, we will meet at 6:30 a.m. on the 22nd at the usual corner of the Harmony Road transportation center near I-25. As always, please let me know if you plan to meet at the Harmony location so that we do not leave anyone behind.

Orchard by Walter Lyons
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the September meeting slideshow.
September Challenge Topic
"Interactions with nature" and "Funny-wierd-humorous"
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Elk Rut
Tour de Fat - Sat 9/2 in Old Town Fort Collins
Loveland Octoberfest - Fri/Sat 9/15-16
- Sat 9/16 11am-10pm in Old Town Fort Collins
Fall color
Doggie Olympics
- Sun 9/24 9am-1pm - Pavilion #7 in City Park
Lighting/Portrait Class by Tom Bol -
Sat 9/23 @9am at JAX
Tour de Corgi Sat 9/29 @10am at Civic Center Park