November 2019
Club Meeting
When: November 12, 2019 @6:30pm (meeting) @6:00pm (social)
Topic: Portrait Photography by Monique Renee and Mike Barry
Meeting Notes - Meeting Slides from the President
Where: Aztlan Center, 112 E Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Room Eagle 1)
Please sign up for the holiday party by 11/8 if you plan to attend
We will be electing Club Officers for 2020 at the November meeting
President - (?)
President Elect (?)
Secretary - (Mike Barry?)
Treasurer - (Dave Chamness?)
Photo Editor - (Walt Lyons?)
The new officers will be assuming office in Jan 2020.
Club Outing
Sat 11/23 12pm-6pm Neighbor to Neighbor Family Shoot (Mike Barry leader)
at the Murphy Center
Neighbor to Neighbor Volunteer Coordinator: Carol Bucio (
12:00pm setup
1:00pm photograph families
4:00pm last session starts
5:00pm take down
6:00pm leave
Fri 12/13 deliver pictures to N2N office
More Details...
N2N Family Shoot Tips
Alternate Club Outing
Coffee Meeting
Wed Nov 20 @9:00am - Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Fri Nov 1 @5:30pm-7:00pm Holiday Light Turn On Ceremony in Old Town Square.
The lights will be turned on at 6:30. There will also be a band playing at the Old Town square stage. If anyone is interested from the club in doing some night light shooting, Vern Kellie will be on the east side of the stage at 5:15 (band starts at 5:30 and gets crowded). Weather should be around 30F, partly cloudy, probably still snow on ground.
Sun Nov 3@1pm - Portrait SIG shoot at Mike's studio, theme is "beauty"
Thu/Fri 11/1-2 WOMENS Basketball EXHIBITION: There are women’s basketball games (exhibition) at Moby Arena. The game on Thursday night is free - admission and park (and first game of year). Games start at 7p. More info here:
Sat/Sun 11/9-10 CYCLOCROSS: This is a bit like motocross on racing bikes. Racers run an obstacle course, through mud, sand, carrying bikes uphill etc. (depends on course) - races are about a half-an-hour to an hour long. This year the NoCo event is being held at New Belgium Brewery on Sat.-Sun. 9-10. The races are pretty much all day long each day, so plenty of opportunity to shoot. Last year about 1,000 racers at event. More info here:
Sun 11/17 @2:20pm Landscape outing to Horsetooth Reservoir
Meet for carpooling at the west side of Front Range Community College Larimer Campus large parking lot off south Shields St. about 2:20 p.m. for a 2:30 p.m. departure to Horsetooth The tentative plan is to make three stops as follows: 1. Short, but steep hike up to Duncan’s Ridge (small parking lot along Centennial Dr. just north of south dam) for views from high above the reservoir (Note: lots of steps to the ridge) 2. Just north of the north-most dam along Centennial Dr. to a picnic area for views along the hogbacks to the south 3. Large parking lot near the center of the reservoir along Centennial Dr. to, hopefully, capture some dramatic sunset images across the reservoir (Note: $9 Larimer county fee per car) Three localities so that we can get some good landscape photos even if the weather conditions do not cooperate to produce a dramatic sunset. Sunset is at 4:41 p.m. If you plan to participate, please reply to me at ( so we know who to expect at the carpool location. Questions, comments and/or suggestions regarding this outing are appreciated . Frank Ethridge Email:
Tue 11/19 @7pm Antartic Lecture Series presents: "The Color of Ice" at the Old Town Library in Fort Collins.
Sun 11/24 @1:00pm Kai's Conceptual SIG meeting
Hey all! I wanted to shoot a message out after last night's meeting. A few things coming up: November's meeting will be at 1 pm at my house (866 S Rustic Dr. Loveland, CO 80537) and we will be showing off images from our last shoot and chatting about the next shoot. If you bring a flash drive with your images to share, I will put them on the big TV through my computer, to share with the group. December we will not be meeting, mostly because it's right before New Years, and my basement will be set up for a gathering for the holiday. January's meeting (Jan 26th, 2020) will be a shoot - We will have 2 models, Alexis and Mandy, becoming statues - fully covered in Clay Slip. It will be messy! This will be shot in my studio. I would like to start at noon, just so I know we will have enough time. This is a project that Jennifer Thoerson did originally, in a class that I just bought on Creative Live. I have the class and can play part of it at the Nov. meeting as well. The cost of the materials needed to do this will amount to $67.96 which is more than I can afford on my own. So, if you are planning on attending this shoot, please let me know and I will ask group members to chip in $10-15 each to help cover the costs. I am also going to ask Mirelle if she has any headpieces that would work with this project as well. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, etc, holler! I'll see ya'll on the 24th! Kai
Sat 11/30 Wildlife SIG Outing
Shoot bighorn sheep in Waterton Canyon or Rocky Mountain Arsenal
We are getting into that time of the year when weather can have a significant effect on a planned outing. So, weather permitting, the November outing as announced at the club meeting Tuesday evening will be Saturday Nov. 30th to Waterton Canyon (near Chatfield State Park) to photograph Bighorns. The rut will be winding down. But, the Bighorns will still be there. The Bighorns are in the lower part of the canyon so we should not have to hike in past the Marston Diversion Dam roughly 3 miles up the canyon. Most recent photos have actually been of the Bighorns only about a mile from the parking lot. For those who have not been there; the walk up the canyon is on the dirt access road that goes up to the Strontia Dam at the head of the canyon. There is no need to try and get there very early as the Bighorns have not been coming down to the road until mid to late morning. For carpooling, lets meet at the usual place - the Harmony Transportation Center on Harmony Rd. just west of I-25. The north east corner of the parking area at 7:30. It is roughly a 90 minute drive to the parking area. If the Bighorns are down along the road there is no need for a really long lens. I do most of my shooting there with a 100-400 on a full frame body as that allows me to isolate single animals. I will also have my 24-70 lens in the animals are staying close together. I will make a weather decision to go or not Friday afternoon on the 29th. Guy

Benson Sculpture Park by Kai Frawg
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the November meeting slideshow.
November Challenge Topics
"Fall Color" and "Stranger Things"
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
Cross of the North