June 2020
Club Meeting
When: Tuesday June 9, 2018 @6:00pm (social) @6:30pm (meeting)
Topic: "Landscape Editing" by Jeff Johnson
Meeting Notes and Meeting Slides
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Club Outing
date - outing - details TBD
Alternate Club Outing
date - outing - details
Coffee Meeting
Thu Jun 18 @9:00am - ONLINE using ZOOM
SIG Meetings/Outings
Drone SIG -TBD
Events SIG -TBD
Landscape SIG -TBD
Macro SIG - Wed 6/24 6pm-8pm ONLINE
Mobile SIG -TBD
Night Sky SIG -TBD
Photography 101 SIG -TBD
Portrait SIG -TBD
Post Processing SIG -TBD
Video SIG -TBD
Wildlife SIG -TBD

Vervet Monkeys by Dave Fahrney
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the June meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topics
"Home Sweet Home" and "Shapes and Sizes"
Photographic events