November 2020
Club Meeting
When: Tuesday November 10, 2020 @6:00pm (social) @6:30pm (meeting)
Topic: "Redstone Canyon 2020 Flower Project" by Andy Goris
Meeting Notes - Meeting Slides
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Club Outing
Alternate Club Outing
date - outing - details
Coffee Meeting
Wed Nov 18 @9:00am - ONLINE using ZOOM
SIG Meetings/Outings
Conceptual SIG - Tue 11/17 @6pm - "Composition" discussion - ONLINE using ZOOM
Drone SIG - on Hold
Events SIG - on Hold
Landscape SIG - Ken is organizing a project to document the Cameron Peak and Mullen fire burned areas
Macro SIG - on Hold
Mobile SIG - on Hold
Night Sky SIG - on Hold, 11/14 New Moon, The Atlas Comet is visible in Orion
Photography 101 SIG - on Hold
Portrait SIG - on Hold
Post Processing SIG - on Hold
Video SIG - on Hold
Wildlife SIG - on Hold

Stonehenge @80kph by Walt Lyons
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the November meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topics
"HDR" and "Scary Stuff"
Photographic events
Photoshop Virtual Summit M-F 11/9-13 FREE online training