August 2021
Club Meeting
When: Tuesday August 10, 2021 @6:00pm (social) @6:30pm (meeting)
Topic: Sports Photography by Mark Sauer, Weddings Portraits and Fine Art
Meeting Notes - Meeting Slides
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Club Outing
date - outing - details TBD
Alternate Club Outing
date - outing - details TBD
Coffee Meeting
Wed 8/18 @9:00am - ONLINE using ZOOM
SIG Meetings/Outings
Drone SIG -TBD
Events SIG -TBD
Fine Art Photography SIG - Tue 8/17 @6pm (topic TBD) - ONLINE using ZOOM
Landscape SIG -TBD
Macro SIG -TBD
Mobile SIG -TBD
Night Sky SIG -TBD
Photography 101 SIG - TBD
Portrait SIG - ON HOLD
Post Processing SIG - TBD
Video/GoPro SIG - Tue 8/24 7:00-8:30pm - ONLINE using ZOOM
Wildlife SIG -TBD

North Park Cabin by Cecil Hellyer
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the August meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topics
1. "G" is for ...
2. UFO/UAP/IFO (IFO = Interesting Flying Objects)
3. Panoramics
4. Oldies but goodies
Photographic Events