February 2022
Club Meeting
When: Tuesday 2/8, 2022 @6:00pm
Topic: "A Walk-through of our Club Website, FCDCC.com" by Mike Barry
Meeting Notes - Presidential Slides - Member Slideshow Submissions
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM
Club Outings
DATE/TBD - Loveland Photo Walk - Ed Ogle leader - DETAILS TBD
Coffee Meeting
Wednesday 2/16 @9:00am - ONLINE using ZOOM
SIG Meetings/Outings
Drone SIG -TBD
Events SIG -TBD
Fine Art Photography SIG - Tue 2/15 @6pm (Lens Babys) - ONLINE using ZOOM
Landscape SIG -TBD
Macro SIG - Subject: Macro SIG project
Hi Folks,
The omicron pandemic has made getting together for an indoor macro outing undesirable. There has not been a Macro SIG Outing included in the member submissions presentation in sometime. I thought it would be fun to get back to taking macro photographs as a SIG project. The January to February Macro SIG project is macro photography of items found in your kitchen. Suggestions for items to photograph are: utensils, various foods and possibly the contents of containers that were lost in the refrigerator, :-). There are a wide range of kitchens items to photograph.These subjects maybe enhanced by different colored lighting, e.g., adding color by using speedlites / strobes with gels.
These links have fun examples of macro photograph of utensils.
Just like Macro SIG outings, all club members are welcome to join in the fun.
Please send me up to 10 of your favorite “kitchen items” photographs by February 28. I will organize your submissions into a presentation for the club. Sharing of your submissions with the club may be at a club online meeting or at a separate online meeting as we have done in the past.
I am looking forward to receiving your submissions to this project.
Paul Marcoux
Macro SIG Leader
Mobile SIG - TBD
Night Sky SIG -TBD
Photography 101 SIG -TBD
Portrait SIG - Sun 2/6 @1pm - Models in Murals in Old Town Fort Collins
Post Processing SIG -TBD
Video SIG - Tue 2/22 @6:30pm-8:00pm - ONLINE using ZOOM
Wildlife SIG -TBD

Young Buck #2 by Cecil Hellyer
Fix this picture and email it to Jim Limburg who will include it in the February meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topics
Email your challenge topic images to Jim Limburg for the February meeting slideshow
1. "M" is for...
2. Wild
3. Your best image taken or processed between the January and February meetings.
Photographic Events
Thu 2/3 @1pm "The Artistic Vision Summit #1" by Blake Rudis Registration - FREE
Thu 2/10 @1pm "The Artistic Vision Summit #1" by Blake Rudis Registration - FREE
Fri-Sat 2/11-12 "Loveland Sweetheart Festival" in Foundry Plaza - details
Thu 2/19 @1pm "The Artistic Vision Summit #3" by Blake Rudis Registration - FREE
Mon 2/28 Macro SIG Project images due to Paul Marcoux