November 2022
Club Meeting
When: Tuesday 11/8, 2022 @6:00pm
Topic: "Southwest Rock Art and Ruins" by Guy Turenne
Meeting Notes - Meeting Slides - Member Slideshow Submissions
Where: ONLINE using ZOOM - Join the ZOOM meeting Tuesday 11/8 at 6pm
Club Outings
Coffee Meeting
Wednesday 11/16 @9:00am - Panera Bread Co in Front Range Village
SIG Meetings/Outings
Drone SIG - TBD
Events SIG - TBD
Fine Art Photography SIG - Tue 11/15 @6pm (Abstract Photography) - ONLINE using ZOOM
Infrared SIG - Thu 11/17 @7:00pm - 8:00pm - ONLINE using ZOOM
Landscape SIG - TBD
Macro SIG Presentation: "Macro photographs of backyard insects and equipment and techniques for Macro" by Joan Sayre and Ed Ogle. This Zoom meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29 starting at 6:30 pm.
You are cordially invited to a 2-part presentation on photographing some of the smallest inhabitants of Colorado.
In Part I, Joan Sayre will share hand held close-ups of a variety of insects and spiders that can be found in our very own backyards. You will get a glimpse of some fascinating anatomical details that are not visible to the naked eye.
In Part II, Ed Ogle will talk about his techniques and equipment for macro photography. This will include recent technological advances in cameras, lenses, and lighting.
Thank you, Paul Marcoux
Mobile SIG - TBD
Night Sky SIG -TBD
Photography 101 SIG -TBD
Portrait SIG - Sun 11/6 @1pm - CANCELLED
Post Processing SIG -TBD
Video/GoPro SIG - TBD
Wildlife SIG Outing - Sat 11/19 - I am planning a Wildlife SIG outing to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge outside of Denver for Saturday November 19. The month of November is typically rutting season for the Mule and Whitetail Deer at the refuge. Among the large number of deer, there are typically a couple of Mule Deer Bucks with large racks. On one visit a few years back I got a shot of a Mullie with an atypical rack with 24 points. Last year I saw shots of a Buck with another atypical rack with as I recall 15 or 16 points. In addition, there are always the Bison. If you are interested let me know so you can get the email with meet-up information.
Guy -

Alaska Aurora by Albert Wang
Fix this picture and email it to Jim Limburg who will include it in the November meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topics
Email your challenge topic images to Jim Limburg for the November meeting slideshow
1. "U" is for...
2. Abstract
3. Best image taken/processed since the last meeting
Photographic Events
Nov 8 Full Moon (Beaver Moon)
Nov 8 Lunar Eclipse
Nov 4-5 Southern Taurids meteor shower
Nov 11-12 Northern Taurids meteor shower
Nov 17-18 Leonids meteor shower