2014 Fix-it-photos |
Click on any thumbnail image to display the large version in your browser.
Save the full-size version to your local computer.
Make your changes "Fix it".
Email your corrected image to Gerry Cashman before the next club meeting. |
You can also find the Fix-it-photo in the Photo Gallery. Go to the Gallery, Click on the Fix-It-Photos gallery, click on the photo for the month, click on the download zip file icon next to the "Home >> Fix It Photos" link at the top of the page. Save the zipped file to your computer and unzip it. |
January 2014 |
February 2014 |
Bridge over River - by Ken Eis |
Piano - by Bob Gobeille |
March 2014 |
April 2014 |
pic |
Lazuli Bunting by Dave Fahrney |
title |
May 2014 |
June 2014 |
Stars by Pat Gaines |
Carnival of Venice by Dave Fahrney |
July 2014 |
August 2014 |
Eagles by Pat Gaines |
Mountains in the Clouds by Pat Gaines |
September 2014 |
October 2014 |
Eagles by Pat Gaines |
Lynx by Pat Gaines |
November 2014 |
December 2014 |
party |
Mountain Goat Kid by Cecil Hellyer |