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2024-07-16 Fine Art Photography SIG meeting notes

We met online using ZOOM 6:00pm-8:00pm

The goal of our Fine Art Photography SIG is to help each other to create fine art from our photography.
The Fine Art SIG is a place where artists support each other and nurture creativity in others.
Unrequested criticism can feed an artist's fear of failure and stifle their creative growth.

Mike Barry
Heather Coe
Ken and Jacalyn Eis
Jim Fellion
Andy Goris
Michael Hohol
Jim Limburg
Paul Marcoux
Kristi Norman
Ed Ogle
Rich Roberts
Jim and Joan Sayre
Albert Wang

OUR MAIN DISCUSSION TOPIC WAS "Ways to Create Depth in our Images".
Andy Goris shared part of his presentation, and we looked at images that showed depth and discussed them.
Ed Ogle showed a picture of Hidden Falls and several members suggested that we have an outing to visit the falls.

RESOURCES (Where you can find sources of inspiration)
7 Ways to Create Depth and Dimensionality in Your Photos

Thomas Hayden
"Hayden was good at many things, but his most valuable asset was his ability to collect and use some of the best talent available. He employed the venerable tradition of landscape painting by hiring the soon-to-be-famous Thomas Moran. Moran was one of the first to see the impact of the emerging technology of photography, especially through William Henry Jackson’s eye. Hayden and his survey made scientific discoveries through the efforts of such exceptional scientists as Edward Driver Cope, Joseph Leidy, and Leo Lesquereux (all paleontologists of note); C. Hart Merriam (ornithologist); and several of the country’s best geologists and topographers. He attracted people with multiple talents; this was most notable with people such as William Henry Holmes, who was a talented geologist and an exquisite landscape artist. Holmes’s and others’ landscape drawings, called “pictorial sections” in the reports, are the pinnacle of the graphic portrayals chosen for this project."

Hidden Falls

Constructive Critiques and Personal Projects (optional)
Several members showed projects that they were working on.
Paul Marcoux requested a constructive critique of his landscape image which led to further discussion. He volunteered his picture for the group to make their own edits. Here is a link to his dropbox account that contains his source DNG file and a JPG file. Please download these two files and edit them to show the rest of the SIG members at our August meeting how you would process a landscape image like this.

Since there are so many good photo opportunities happening this month we decided that we would present a few of our favorite pictures that we have taken or processed during the month, at our next meeting.

1. The main topic will be "Pictures Taken or Processed Since the Last Meeting".
2. Constructive Critiques and Other Personal Projects
3. We will pick a topic for the next meeting

Please email Mike,, when you find mistakes, missing information or if you have suggestions for the Fine Art Photography SIG and I will try to address the issues.