2015-01-13 FCDCC Meeting Notes
We met in our usual room at Ridgeview Classical School
Ridgeview Classical School on the southeast corner of Lemay and Stuart (1800 S. Lemay) Enter through the east side of the building. Jonathan connected us to the school sound system so our videos sounded great.
Please welcome Chuck and Steve who were visiting our club and joined at the meeting.
Please pay your dues for 2015 to Harry Strharsky at the January meeting if you haven't already paid. You can find him at most meetings. Annual dues are $25/member with $15 for each additional spouse and $10 for each additional child under 18. Dues are prorated based on the month you join.
Check out the SIGs (Special Interest Groups); they have been holding lots of meetings and going on lots of outings. Participating in a SIG is an excellent way to develop your skills.
Please send your SIG outings schedules to info@fcdcc.com so I can add them to the website.
Send your photograph submittals for the February meeting to Gary Jens at president@fcdcc.com. Remember to send in before and after versions of your pictures so we can learn about post processing. Please send in 3 or fewer pictures for the slideshow, and send them by Sunday evening so Gary has time to create the slideshow.
We still have some offices that need to be filled:
President Elect: TBD
Outings: TBD
Programs: TBD
The February Challenge Topic is the Great Western Sugar Company Effluent Bridge. Take a picture of this bridge and email it to Gary Jens for the February club meeting slideshow.
We didn't decide on a Challenge Topic for March yet, but "Horsetooth Rock" and "Trimble Court Alley" were suggested. Send your suggestions for challenge topics to Gary Jens at president@fcdcc.com.
We have new rules for submitting images for the monthly meetings.
Stern Park in Littleton is a great place to take pictures of ducks.
January 17 @11am: The January club outing will be to O'Dell's Brewing Company, 800 E. Lincoln Ave. Meet before 11am at the brewery on Saturday 1/17. Some of us will be going out to lunch in Old Town after the outing, and you are welcome to join us for lunch and conversation.
January 24 @10am-12pm: Sat - The Photography 101 SIG will meet at the Old Town Library, 201 Peterson St. Please bring you camera, the instruction manual that came with you camera, paper and something to write with.
January 25: Sun - Club members will meet at the Hagel Warren Mansion in Wyoming to hang their pictures for the show.
January 28 @9am: Coffee meeting at Dazbog on Harmony
February 1 @1pm-5pm: Portrait SIG will meet at Mike's house, theme is victorian, steampunk or beauty photography.
February 9 @6:15pm: Dave Black will speak about "Painting with Light" at LPS (Loveland Photographic Society) 900 Josephine Court, Loveland, CO.
February 10 @6:30pm: February club meeting
February 21: Dawn is planning a trip to Farmington Bay to photograph eagles.
March 6 @7pm: Doug Johnson of RMSP will speak to our club in our regular meeting room. Our club will raffle off 3 tickets (at this event) for the RMSP weekend.
March 28 @7:30am-9:30am: Rocky Mountain Raptor Program Photoshoot and Fundraiser. Contact Pat Gaines if you are interested. Attendance is limited to 10 photographers. Cost is $100.
Many thanks to Tom Bol for his "Beyond Snapshots" presentation. TomBolPhoto.com
Email mike, info@fcdcc.com, when you find mistakes, missing information or if you have suggestions for the website and I will try to address the issue.