Post Processing SIG
The objectives of the FCDCC Post Processing SIG are:
Introductory Workshop on Lightroom CC Classic
A Lightroom Strategy
Editing Pictures
Workshop Structure:
- Lesson 1 - 2/1 - Introduce Lightroom including navigation, terminology, and file import basics
- Lesson 2 - 2/8 - Global Develop Adjustments
- Lesson 3 - 2/15 - Local Develop Adjustments
- Lesson 4 - 2/22 - Advanced Techniques
- Lesson 5 - 3/1 - Exporting,Printing and Other Modules
Workshops will meet at the Coloradoan Cost is $25 for the entire workshop
Bring a laptop with Lightroom already installed to the workshop meetings
We invite you to join us for a beginning workshop on the powerful photo editing program, Adobe Lightroom Classic CC. We will meet for five consecutive Thursday evenings, starting February 1, 2018, in the Community Room at the Coloradoan. (The same location we use for our monthly meetings.) This workshop will include some direct instruction and lots of hands-on time with experienced Lightroom users to guide you.
The workshop will be led by your fellow FCDCC members Rich Ernst, Harry Strharsky, and Stephanie Cox. Rich and Harry work on Windows machines and Stephanie is a Mac user. While the program functions the same on both platforms, there are a number of differences and having leaders who are experienced in both will help everyone to achieve success!
There are a couple of things you need to consider if you want to join us. We need to charge $25 per person to participate in order to help offset the cost of the room. The club will pick up the remainder of the cost. That's not $25 per session, $25 is the cost for all five weeks! Please speak with Rich to arrange payment. We need to limit the size of the group and we are already filling up. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to sign up. Our contact information is at the end of this email.
Since we will be workshopping, you will need to bring a computer and have Adobe Lightroom Classic CC already loaded. Be sure to load the Classic CC version! If you don't already have it, you can get it here. If you have any problems or questions, please contact one of us ahead of time so we can all be ready to go when the workshop begins. There is no need for you to bring any of your own images, we will supply you with a set of image files for this workshop. Here are some highlights of what we will cover.
February 1, 2018 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM Welcome to Lightroom! This session will include an introduction to the interface and some basics on how to organize your photo files on your computer in order to maximize the power of Lightroom. We will all work on a set of the same image so we can learn from each other.
February 8, 2018 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM This week, we will begin by answering questions that have come up for you as you’ve moved around in Lightroom during your practice. We will primarily be working in the Develop Module where you will begin to see the extraordinary changes you can make to your images with just a few global adjustments.
February 15, 2018 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM You've been practicing now for two weeks and you will likely have some questions. We will spend a bit of time on your questions, but we will quickly move on to cover more information in the Develop Module. Last week we focused on adjustments to the entire image but this week we will delve deeper, learning how to make selective adjustments to just a few parts of the image.
February 22, 2018 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM Your confidence is growing and you are ready for a little more power. In this session, we will take all that we've learned in the Develop Module and ramp it up. You will learn about merging images to HDR and panorama, how to sync metadata between files, how to build and use presets to speed up repetitive tasks, and much more.
March 1, 2018 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM Now that your files are organized, sorted, and edited, it's time to share them with the world. In this session, we will talk about exporting your images for print, to social media, or to your own website. We will also touch on the Book, Slideshow and Web modules, as well as the super cool Map Module.
We look forward to having you join us for this workshop! Please contact any one of us with your questions, or to sign up.
See you on February 1st
Stephanie Cox
Rich Ernst
Harry Strharsky
SIG members
Stephanie Cox (contact me if you would like to join us) |
Rich Ernst (contact me if you would like to join us) |
Harry Strharsky (contact me if you would like to join us) |