June 2018
Club Meeting
When: June 12, 2018 @6:30pm
Topic: Digital Art by Osvaldo Buccafusca
Meeting Notes, Notes from the President
Where: Coloradoan Newspaper Offices, Community Room 1300 Riverside Ave., Fort Collins
Club Outing
Sat 6/23/2018 - Martin's Junk Yard - 8405 US Highway 34 Windsor, CO 80550
Leave from NE corner of Harmony Transportation Center at 7:45 am. Car pooling has been requested by Martin’s Junk Yard. For this photo-shoot a standard telephoto lens has been suggested so I plan on using my 18 mm to 135 mm lens. - Paul Marcoux
Alternate Club Outing
Sat 6/2 8am-10am - Forney Museum of Transportation
The museum is reserved exclusively for our club.
Cost: If we have a group of 10 or less it will be $11 per person. If we have more than 10 it drops to $9 per person. CASH or CHECK only, NO CREDIT CARDS.
Restrictions: The door will be locked at 8:15 am; late arrivals will need to call David (818-642-7179) to enter. Pack bags and large bags are not allowed, so pack as light as possible. There is locked storage available in their gift shop. Ropes and stanchions will be moved for us, but they must be back in place by 10 AM.
Carpooling: Let's meet at the N.E. corner of the Harmony Transportation Center. Depart for the museum about 6:45 am for the one-hour drive.
RSVP The museum needs a head count. Please let Paul Marcoux know if you plan to attend by May 29th.
Coffee Meeting
Thu 6/21 @9am-11am, Dazbog on Cherry
SIG Meetings/Outings
Landscape SIG Outing -Sat June 16 and Wed June 20 to Red Mountain Open Space
Meet at Northeast end of Harmony Transportation Center (HTC) for carpooling and departure at 7:00 a.m. Directions to reach the Open Space from I-25 can be found at: https://www.larimer.org/naturalresources/parks/red-mountain Google estimates one way is 39 mi., 52 min. from HTC At Red Mountain we will overview the geology and hike parts of the 3-mile Bent Rock Loop Trail. Sand Creek flows along part of this trail and there may be several water crossings, so come prepared for the possibility of wet feet. Group hikes in Red Mountain Open Space are limited to 12 individuals, so we will limit each trip to that number. If you would like to participate in either trip please RSVP, with the day and date you prefer and if you would like to be a driver for carpooling to franke129@msn.com. As soon as we reach 12 participants for either day I will notify you that registration is closed for that day. Recommendations for the outing, in addition to your camera and camera gear are: hat, sun screen and lip balm; light pack with water and a snack (no drinking water at Red Mountain); binoculars.
Frank Ethridge franke129@msn.com
Photography 101 SIG Meeting - TBD
Portrait SIG Meeting - June 3 @1pm-5pm, theme: "Legs" & "Star Wars"
Wildlife SIG Outing - Sat 6/30 @5am - Mt Evans, Meet at Harmony Transportation Center, leave at 5am

Elk by Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the June meeting slideshow.
Please send your original images with problems to Mike Barry for future Fix-it-photos
June Challenge Topic
Explosions of Color
Send your challege topic images, photos taken at SIG outings and general submission pictures to Walt Lyons who will include them in the June meeting slideshow.
Photographic events
6/1-6/3: Medieval Festival
6/1: First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
6/2: Poudre Riverfest
6/8-6/10: Taste of Fort Collins
6/9: Historic waterworks tours in Fort Collins
6/9-6/10: Estes Park Wool Market
6/15-6/17: Denver Comic Con
6/22-6/24: Never Summer Rodeo
6/22-6/24: Colorado Brewers Fest
Tuesdays @11:30am: Noontime notes - Music in Oak Street Plaza
Wednesdays @6pm: CSU Lagoon Series - Music at CSU Lagoon
Thursdays @7pm: Thursday Night Live - Music in Old Town Square