February 2019
Club Meeting
When: February 12, 2019 @6:30pm (meeting) @6:00pm (social)
Topic: "The Artist in Me" by Rich Ernst
Meeting Notes
Where: Aztlan Center, 112 E Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Room Eagle 1)
Club Outing
Macro shoot organized by Paul Marcoux
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019
Time: 9:00 to 2:00 pm
Location: CSU Natural Resources Building rooms 301, 316 and 345
Set up time: 9:00 to 9:30 am
Photoshoot: 9:30 am and ending by 2:00 pm
Location: CSU Natural Resource Building, 400 University Ave, Rooms 301, 320 and 345(lots of natural light)
Parking: The parking lot is on the Northside of University Ave between East Drive and Amy Van Dyken Way. The intersection of University Ave and S. College Ave is accessible only when going south on College Ave.
Building entrance: For security reasons, the doors to the Natural Resource Building are locked on weekends. For our photoshoot the door at the Northeast corner of the building will be open as will the nearby loading dock door. From the parking lot cross Amy Van Dyken Way and follow the sidewalk that is on the Southside of the Forestry Building to the Natural Resources Building. You will pass by a casting of a Big Horn Sheep. From there the door to the Natural Resource Building is visible below the left side of the overhead bridge between Forestry and Natural Resource buildings. The loading dock door is a short walk north around corner of the building. The doors will have a photoshoot sign. Take the elevator to the third floor. There signs will guide you to the rooms for our photoshoot.
If you need assistance in entering the building please call Jerry Magloughlin (office: 970-491-1812, cell 970-290-6630) or Paul Marcoux (cell 970-443-7610).
Suggested Equipment:
Camera with Macro lens or close up lens
Extension tubes (optional)
Flash (optional)
Macro rail (optional)
What will be set up:
Water drop set up: Lisa Reynoldson
Fluorescent minerals: Jerry Magloughlin
Oil in water for abstract photography: Mike Barry and Paul Marcoux
Demo of Helicon Focus and Focus Stacking: Judy Cannon
Light tables
Photography backdrops
Items to photograph: flowers, colored pencils, small vases, metal screws, rolled color paper, etc.
What we could use:
Additional flower vases
Sea shells: cross sectioned and whole
Drinking glasses and other small glass items
Pressed leaves
Antique miniatures
Items you think would make an interesting macro photograph
Thanks to Frank Ethridge and Jerry Magloughlin for making the rooms at CSU available to our club.
Members of the Loveland Photographic Society are welcome to join.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday,
Paul Marcoux
Alternate Club Outing
Coffee Meeting
Wed Feb 20 @9:00am - Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Sun 2/3 @1pm-5pm, Portrait SIG shoot at Mike's studio (theme: Steampunk)
Sat 2/23 @8am Wildlife SIG outing to the Butterfly Pavilion
The winter Wildlife SIG outing will actually be indoors at The Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster Saturday morning, Feb. 23. There is an entrance fee. It takes just about an hour to drive there and it opens at 9:00. We will meet for carpooling at the usual location, the north east corner of the Harmony Rd. Transportation Center Parking leaving at 8:00. So that no one is left behind, let me know if you are planning on meeting everyone at the Transportation Center. For those who have never been there. Tripods are not allowed - they would not work very well in a crowd in any event. Monopods have been allowed in the past, but I just shoot offhand. The facility is not large and it does get crowded on weekends. In the past a macro lens has been of little use - the butterflies generally do not sit still long enough. I generally shoot with my 100-400 so that I do not need to get close to the butterflies. I have also used my 70-200. A flash is generally not needed as large window areas allow lots of light into the facility. At any given time during the year there are roughly 40 different species of Butterflies present in varying numbers. Some are native , but most originally came from tropical and sub-tropical locations around the globe. For future reference, The Butterfly Pavilion is partnering with Fort Collins to open a satellite facility at "The Gardens At Spring Creek" which I understand will contain all native species. They are also planning to move into a new, larger facility in Broomfield in the not to distant future. - Guy
I have an additional piece of advice, having done this a few times before (it’s a lot of fun): Since it is winter outside, and the inside of the Pavilion is warm and humid, it is easy to get condensation on your lens when you enter. I have seem many frustrated photographers walking around inside with wet lens. What I’ve done is run the car heater a little warmer than usual on the trip down. If I get there before the doors open, I keep the heater on to keep the car and camera warm. Then, when exiting the car for the Pavilion, I put the camera inside my jacket and get inside promptly, so the camera doesn’t have time to cool down from the outside air. I’ve never had any condensation on my camera. - Andy
Sun 3/3 @1pm-5pm, Portrait SIG shoot at Mike's studio (theme: Game of Thrones)

Abandoned Store by Cecil Hellyer
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the February meeting slideshow.
February Challenge Topics
"Winter has come" and "Solitude"
Photographic events
First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town Fort Collins
The Ridgeview Classical School Father/Daughter Dance
Loveland Fire & Ice Festival
Ice Climbing Finals in Denver
Whimsycon in Denver
Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland