March 2020
Club Meeting
When: Tuesday March 10, 2020 @6:00pm (social) @6:30pm (meeting)
Topic: Gear Swap
Meeting Notes - Notes from the President
Where: Aztlan Center, 112 E Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Room Eagle 1)
Club Outing
Saturday 3/14 @9am - Bear Lake in RMNP
Explore natural ice features in RMNP. We will be hiking short distances around the Bear Lake area. Please bring crampons because we will be walking on ice. We may even see some elk.
Meet in the Front Range College (Harmony and Shields) parking lot SW cornor at 9AM. We can carpool from there.
Let me know if you plan on participating. Event is subject to weather.
Ken Eis
Alternate Club Outing
none scheduled
Coffee Meeting
Thu Mar 19 @9:00am - CANCELLED - Fort Collins Coffee House
SIG Meetings/Outings
Conceptual SIG - CANCELLED - 3/29 @Kai's studio
We will be reviewing pictures from the Clay shoot and plan for our next shoot.
Events SIG - TBD
Landscape SIG - CANCELLED - 3/14 @9am, Bear Lake in RMNP (same as the club outing for March)
Macro SIG - TBD
Mobile SIG - 3/24 @ Judy's Home
Night Sky SIG -TBD
Portrait SIG - CANCELLED - 3/1 @1pm "Dance" at Mike's studio
Portrait SIG - CANCELLED - 4/5 @1pm "Scary Things" at Mike's studio
Wildlife SIG - CANCELLED - 3/29 @6:30am, Rocky Mountain Arsenal for bison calving
The FCDCC March Wildlife SIG outing is scheduled for Sunday March 29 to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge outside of Denver. In doing some investigating, the Bison calving season generally runs from late March to Mid April. So hopefully there will be some newborn Bison around. Also, there will be some controlled burns over the next month at the refuge as weather permits. I do not know where on the refuge the burns will be taking place or how they may impact the Bison. For carpooling purposes, we will meet at 6:30 a.m. at the Harmony Transportation Center at the usual spot - the north east corner. It is a one hour drive to RMA NWR. As always, let me know if you plan to go along so that no one is left behind at the parking lot. - Guy

Mt. Sneffels by Mike Hohol
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the March meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topic
"Signs" and "Perspective"
Email your challenge topic images it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the March meeting slideshow.
Photographic events