May 2020
Club Meeting
When: ONLINE - Tuesday May 12, 2018 @6:00pm (social) @6:30pm (meeting)
Topic: "Alaska Site Threatened" by Dawn Wilson
Meeting Notes - Meeting slides from Paul Marcoux
Where: This meeting will be held ONLINE using ZOOM. Paul will email details.
Club Outing
date - outing - details TBD
Alternate Club Outing
date - outing - details
Coffee Meeting
Wed May 20 @9:00am - ONLINE using ZOOM
SIG Meetings/Outings
Macro SIG ONLINE outing - Sat 5/9 @9:00AM - details TBD by Ed Ogle
Wildlife SIG ONLINE outing - 5/23 @9:00AM - Loon Behavior with representative photographs by Joan and Jim Sayre
ZOOM meeting links for SIG meetings will be sent out about 1 week before each online meeting.
Please email if you need help.
Drone SIG -TBD
Events SIG -TBD
Landscape SIG -TBD
Mobile SIG -TBD
Night Sky SIG -TBD
Photography 101 SIG -TBD
Portrait SIG -TBD
Post Processing SIG -TBD
Video SIG -TBD

steamboat by Kai Frawg
Fix this picture and email it to Walt Lyons who will include it in the May meeting slideshow.
Challenge Topic
"Cabin Fever" and "Color"
Email your challenge topic images to Walt Lyons who will include it in the May meeting slideshow.
Photographic events